㈠ 20鏈閮藉競鎯呯紭鏂囷紝閮芥槸璐ㄩ噺瀹岀粨瑷鎯呭皬璇
- 1. 鐙璺鐩搁锛屽懡杩愪箣绾 - 姊呭瓙榛勬椂闆ㄧ殑銆婃湁鐢熶箣骞淬嬶紝娣辨儏铏愬績锛屼富瑙掑湪鍛借繍鐨勪氦閿欎腑缁芥斁鐖辩殑鐏鑺便
- 鍒濇亱閲嶇噧锛岀牬鑼ч噸鐢 - 姊呭瓙榛勬椂闆ㄧ殑銆婃渶鍒濈殑鐖憋紝鏈鍚庣殑鐖便嬶紝涔呭埆閲嶉锛屾俯鏆栨不鎰堬紝灞曠幇鎴愰暱鍚庣殑鐞嗚В鍜岀埍鐨勫姏閲忋
- 闆ㄨ繃澶╂櫞锛岀悊鏅轰笌鎯呮劅浜よ瀺 - 搴峰煄鐨勩婇樀闆/鍦ㄩら洦鍋滄瓏涔嬪墠銆嬶紝鐜板疄鍚戜綔鍝侊紝鐞嗘уコ璁拌呬笌鑽峰皵钂欑敺鍙告満鐨勭伀鑺辩版挒锛屾劅浜鸿嚦娣便
- 蹇犵姮娣辨儏锛岃佸共閮ㄤ笌缂栬緫鐨勭敎铚滅瘒绔 - 璧忛キ缃氶タ鐨勩婁粬濡傛ょ埍绗戙嬶紝鏄熷厜涓庣儫鐏鐨勬殫鎭嬶紝娓╂殩娌绘剤锛岀埍鎯呭傜硸鑸鐢滆湝銆
- 鏍″洯鎭嬫儏锛屽愬紵涔嬮棿鐨勬儏鎰熺籂钁 - 浼婁汉鐫界澖鐨勩婂嵈鐖卞ス銆嬶紝绾鐪熸牎鍥涓庣幇瀹炰氦缁囷紝濮愬紵鎭嬬殑鐢滆湝涓庢寫鎴樸
- 寮烘潈涓庣埍鎯呯殑纰版挒 - 鐜拌█灏忚达紝濂充富瑙掑湪閫嗗冧腑鍧氶煣鎴愰暱锛岀敺涓荤殑寮哄彇璞澶轰笌娣辨儏绾犺憶锛屾寫鎴樿昏呮儏鎰熺殑鏋侀檺銆
- 鐮撮暅閲嶅渾锛屾俯鎯呭洖褰 - 涓瀵瑰ぇ瀛︽亱浜洪噸閫锛屾垚闀垮悗鐨勭悊瑙e拰鐖辨剰锛屾俯鏆栦汉蹇冿紝娌绘剤绯荤殑閫夋嫨銆
- 鐞嗘櫤涓庢縺鎯呯殑鐏鑺 - 鐜板疄涓庣埍鎯呯殑娣卞害鎺㈣锛屽コ璁拌呬笌鐢峰徃鏈虹殑娣卞埢浜掑姩锛岃╀汉娣辨濄
- 鐢滆屼笉鑵伙紝鏄熷厜涓庣儫鐏鐨勯倐閫 - 鐢滄枃鐖卞ソ鑰呬笉瀹归敊杩囷紝蹇犵姮鐢蜂富涓庢柊闂荤紪杈戠殑娣辨儏鏁呬簨锛屽瞾鏈堟祦杞涓鐨勬俯鏆栭櫔浼淬
- 鏍″洯娴婕锛屾偅闃挎柉浼鏍间笌瀛﹂湼鐨勫囧欎箣鏃 - 濮愬紵鎭嬬殑鏍″洯鏁呬簨锛岀嫭鐗硅嗚掍笅灞曠幇绾鐪熶笌鎴愰暱銆
- 涓虹埍澶嶄粐锛屽潥闊уコ瀛╃殑浼犲 - 濂充富瑙掍互鏅哄彇鑳滐紝瀵规姉澶ф瘨鏋锛屻婂湪浣犺韩鍚庛嬬殑鍓ф儏绱у紶鍒烘縺锛屾儏鎰熺粏鑵诲姩浜恒
- 寤虹瓚璁捐″笀鐨勬姂閮佺棁涓庣埍鎯呬氦缁 - 銆婂氨褰撲粬娌℃潵杩囥嬬殑娑堥槻鍛樹笌璁拌咃紝鍓嶆湡铏愬績锛屽悗鏈熸俯鏆栵紝鎯呮劅灞傛′赴瀵屻
- 鐏靛獟鐨勫奖鍚庝箣璺锛屽囧够涓庣幇瀹炵殑瀹岀編铻嶅悎 - 銆婄伒濯掑皯濂崇殑褰卞悗涔嬭矾銆嬶紝灞曠幇濂虫у姏閲忎笌鏅烘収鐨勫囧够閮藉競涔嬫梾銆
㈡ 英语小说阅读《羊脂球》选文
Some detachments rapped at each door, then disappeared into the houses. It was occupation after invasion. Then the ty commences for the conquered to show themselves gracious toward the conquerors1.
After some time, as soon as the first terror disappears, a new calm is established. In many families, the Prussian officer eats at the table. He is sometimes well bred and, through politeness, pities France, and speaks of his repugnance2 in taking part in this affair. One is grateful to him for this sentiment; then, one may be, some day or other, in need of his protection. By treat-ing him well, one has, perhaps, a less number of men to feed. And why should we wound anyone on whom we are entirely3 dependent? To act thus would be less bravery than temerity4. And temerity is no longer a fault of the commoner of Rouen, as it was at the time of the heroic defense5, when their city became famous. Final-ly, each told himself that the highest judgment6 of French urbanity required that they be allowed to be polite to the strange soldier in the house, provided they did not show themselves familiar with him in public. Outside they would not make themselves known to each other, but at home they could chat freely, and the German might remain longer each evening warming his feet at their hearthstones.
The town even took on, little by little, its ordinary aspect. The French scarcely went out, but the Prussian soldiers grumbled7 in the streets. In short, the officers of the Blue Hussars, who dragged with arrogance8 their great weapons of death up and down the pavement, seemed to have no more grievous scorn for the simple citizens than the officers or the sportsmen who, the year before, drank in the same cafes.
There was nevertheless, something in the air, something subtle and unknown, a strange, intolerable atmosphere like a penetrating9 odor, the odor of invasion. It filled the dwellings10 and the public places, changed the taste of the food, gave the impression of being on a journey, far away, among barbarous and dangerous tribes.
The conquerors exacted money, much money. The inhabitants always paid and they were rich enough to do it. But the richer a trading Norman becomes the more he suffers at every outlay11, at each part of his fortune that he sees pass from his hands into those of another.
Therefore, two or three leagues below the town, following the course of the river toward Croisset, Dieppedalle, or Biessart mariners12 and fishermen often picked up the swollen13 corpse14 of a German in uniform from the bottom of the river, killed by the blow of a knife, the head crushed with a stone, or perhaps thrown into the water by a push from the high bridge. The slime of the river bed buried these obscure vengeances, savage15, but legitimate16, unknown heroisms, mute attacks more perilous17 than the battles of broad day, and without the echoing sound of glory.
For hatred18 of the foreigner always arouses some intrepid19 ones, who are ready to die for an idea.
Finally, as soon as the invaders20 had brought the town quite under subjection with their inflexible21 discipline, without having been guilty of any of the horrors for which they were famous along their triumphal line of march, people began to take courage, and the need of trade put new heart into the commerce of the country. Some had large interests at Havre, which the French army occupied, and they wished to try and reach this port by going to Dieppe by land and there embarking22.
They used their influence with the German soldiers with whom they had an acquaintance, and finally, an authorization23 of departure was obtained from the General-in-chief.
Then, a large diligence, with four horses, having been engaged for this journey, and ten persons having engaged seats in it, it was resolved to set out on Tuesday morning before daylight, in order to escape observation.
For some time before, the frost had been hardening the earth and on Monday, toward three o'clock, great black clouds coming from the north brought the snow which fell without interruption ring the evening and all night.
;㈢ 母狼的智慧阅读答案仔细阅读选文,说说狼的哪些行为表现出它的智慧
1. 《干脆把反派两个字写在我脸上算了》
2. 《一株雪》
3. 《我嫁给了我的死对头》
4. 《温柔的白切黑反派×执着的不怕死女二》
5. 《恶毒女配的自我修养》
6-38. (未提供具体信息)
39. (未提供具体信息)
㈤ 阅读下面小说选段,完成下面题目。孔乙己一到店,所有喝酒的人便都看着他笑,有的叫道,“孔乙己,你脸上
小题1:孔乙已最后一次到酒店喝酒的情形。 小题1:环境描写;写晚秋的凉意,给孔乙己的末路更增添一种悲凉的气氛;衬托孔乙己只穿一件破家袄的悲惨。 小题1:孔乙己说一些“难懂的话”是为了体现读书人的身份,为自己辩护,掩饰窘相;同时也为了保全读书人的面子,维护残存的尊严。作者通过这个个性化的语言,来表现孔乙己迂腐穷酸,自命清高,自欺欺人,死要面子等性格特点。 小题1:掌柜听说孔乙己被打折了腿,有可能死了的消息后,并没有震惊和同情,而是继续慢慢地算他的账,表现了他麻木与冷漠的心理。 小题1:从结构上看,起到了承上启下的作用,从内容上看,既写出了孔乙己无足轻重的社会地位,更巧妙地揭示了人情的冷漠和世态的炎凉。 ㈥ 有什么文笔特别好的小说推荐 1、《十年一品温如言》 作者:书海沧生,主角:言希和温衡。 作品讲述了十年里男女主之间深深的羁绊和细水长流的感情。这是他们的故事,一种爱,两个轻转流年,谁是谁非,不过,呵呵一笑。十年含烟,梦醒时,揉揉眼睛,少年此间,那个曾经的温如言,终于尘埃落定。 题记:这个故事关乎撒娇,关乎宠溺,关乎排骨,关乎爱情,关乎人性,也关乎救赎。 热点内容