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发布时间: 2024-11-28 22:09:55

① 想学好英语阅读理解需要买什么书籍

分级读物(Graded Readers):这类书籍根据英语水平分为不同的级别,通常从A1到C2,每个级别都有适合该水平的词汇和语法结构。对于初学者来说,这是一个很好的起点,因为它们可以帮助你逐步提高阅读能力。
学术文章和论文:如果你的英语水平已经较高,可以尝试阅读学术文章和论文。这不仅可以提高你的阅读理解能力,还可以帮助你学习如何分析和批判性地思考信息。可以通过Google Scholar或学术数据库如JSTOR访问这些资源。

② Part3-英语小说Flipped怦然心动阅读笔记

上文讲述了男主人公对Juli Baker女孩的厌恶,但女孩却主动找上门,男孩的父亲也无法将她赶走。

女孩走过来时,男孩将before这个状语从句理解为“我还没鼓起勇气去看她”,get up the nerve to do的意思是鼓起勇气做某事,英语中我们常用pluck up the courage to do。但get up the nerve to do似乎更受年轻人青睐,美剧中也常用。

blast past me的意思是什么?blast原本是爆炸的意思,这里形容速度极快,从我身旁闪过,犹如迅雷不及掩耳之势。

grabbing和yanking是两个现在分词做伴随状语,表示同时抓住我的胳膊,把我猛拉过去。yank这个动作在美国英语中非常常见,但在中国的英语教科书中却未曾见过。If youyank someone or something somewhere, you pull them there suddenly and with a lot of force. 猛拉

This was too much.太过分了。

I planted myself的意思是什么?表示我一动不动。Plant这个动词意思是to put something firmly and strongly in a particular place。表示我一动不动,稳住,刚才女孩拉他,他硬是原地一动不动,稳住自己。

was about to tell her to get lost就是想告诉她,让她滚开。when the weirdest thing happened,这时最奇怪的事发生了。美国口语中,你要想让对方滚开,你可以大喊Get lost,表示让对方赶紧给我滚。

windmill motion的意思是什么?风车式仰泳时双脚交替踢水,双臂在体侧交替做“风车式”(in a windmill motion)划水,就像下面的图中,胳膊像风车一样划水。也就是双臂像风车式划水一样,想甩开她,原文用的break away from her。

on the downswing就是风车划水往下划的时候。on the upswing是上涨,on the downswing就是往下降。下降的时候正好my hand wound up tangling into hers。这句里wind up doing表示最后结果,结果就tangle into我的手就和她的手缠一起了,tangle表示纠缠一起。If somethingis tangled or tangles, it becomes twisted together in a messy way. 使缠结; 缠结

作者自己都不相信,最后他竟然抓住了这泥猴的手,他把女孩叫泥猴mud monkey,还记得为什么吗?最开始她caked with mud,她鞋子上都沾满了泥土,所以男孩给她起外号叫mud monkey。

shake off是甩掉,想甩开她的手。但是她clamp on tight就是像夹子一样紧紧夹住我的手还把我拽过去yank me along,最后说C'mon,是Come on的缩写。意思是快点,来吧。

③ 英语小说阅读题

American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain the very best aspects of a society: opportunities for ecation, employment, and entertainment. They also contain the very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial conflict, and poverty. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing.
After World War II, city residents became wealthier, more prosperous. They had more children. They needed more space. They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs, areas near a city where people live. These are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s the American 'dream' was to have a house in the suburb.
Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in 1950s are now alts. They, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. Many young professionals, doctors, lawyers, and executives, are moving back into the city. Many are single; others are married, but often without children. They prefer the city to the suburb because their jobs are there ; they are afraid of the fuel shortage; or they just enjoy the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class is moving into the city---a wealthier, more mobile class.
Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American cities were dying. Some city residents now see a bright, new future. Others see only problems and conflicts. One thing is sure: Many dying cities are alive again.

1. Paragraph 1 __B ___.
A. explains why American cities are changing
B. is a description of cities
C. shows that American cities have many problems
D. says: American cities contain the very best aspects of a society
2. In paragraph 3, the author gives ___B __ reasons why people want to live in cities.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
3. According to the article, cities are __A___ .
A. sick
B. alive again
C. living
D. dying
4. The movement of people to the city can explain __B___.
A. social changes
B. violent crime
C. racial conflict
D. the best aspects of a society

A lot of English people have therr names;a first name,amiddle name and a family name.Their family name comes last.For example,my full name is Billalan Green,Greenis my faily name.My first name is Bill,and my middle name is Alan.people don't use their middle names very much.
In China,the first name is the faily name,and the last name is the given name.翻译并判断对错
1 All English people have three names. 错
2 People use their middle name all the time. 错
3 In England,their family name comes last. 对
4 In China the first name is the given name. 错
5 Bill is family name. 错




1:Half girlfriend









2:From the distance star









3:say goodbye for now





⑤ 18本经典英语书籍/英语小说推荐,快速提高英文阅读能力,附加英语字典推荐。



1. 哈利波特系列 - 回味青春的魔法世界,英文版带你领略全新阅读体验,让你沉浸在J.K.罗琳的文字魔力中。

2. 傲慢与偏见 - 重温维多利亚时代的经典,这本高中必读之作,将提升你的阅读理解力和对英语文化的理解。

3. 暮光之城 - 高中备考者的理想选择,它不仅是一部浪漫小说,更是提高英语阅读兴趣与技巧的桥梁。

4. 安娜·卡列尼娜 - 深沉的人生寓言,静心阅读,感受托尔斯泰细腻的情感描绘。

5. 追风筝的人 - 历史与个人命运的交织,这是一部引人深思的成长小说,让你在阅读中重新审视自我。


6. 《芬奇密码》 - 高智商悬疑,2005年英国年度佳作,适合英语水平稍高的读者探索。

7. 《阿富汗少年》 - 揭示阿富汗社会的多元面貌,是英语高年级的挑战,也是成长的启示。


8. 《海明威短篇小说全集》 - 随身携带的文学宝藏,如《老人与海》和《太阳照样升起》,提升你的英文阅读技巧。


9. 《呼啸山庄》 - 艾米莉·勃朗特的巅峰之作,细腻而激进,适合有一定英语基础的读者。


10. 《小王子》 - 温馨治愈,简单文字中蕴含深邃哲理,适合反复品味。


11. 《月亮与六便士》 - 探索人生选择的奥秘,适合寻求深度阅读的你。


12. 《动物庄园》与《1984》 - 揭示社会与自由的复杂交织,适合初中以上水平读者。


13. 《爱丽丝漫游奇境》 - 不论年龄,都能在奇幻世界中领略英语的魅力。


14. 《假如给我三天光明》 - 海伦·凯勒的勇气故事,中文版与英文版各具魅力,启迪心灵。


15. 字典与学习工具 - 如小米翻译机或文曲星,搭配牛津版英汉字典和英英字典,提升阅读理解与词汇运用。


⑥ 推荐几本英文原著,提高英语阅读能力。不要太难,也不要太简单。大学生水平。





⑦ 适合高一学生阅读的英文小说

Jane Eyre、The Sorrows of Young Werther、Grimm's Fairy Tales、Peter Pan都还不错,在爱洋葱中英双语平台上有中文、英文的对照阅读的小说,对你学习英语有不错的帮助。

⑧ 英语小说阅读《羊脂球》选文



Some detachments rapped at each door, then disappeared into the houses. It was occupation after invasion. Then the ty commences for the conquered to show themselves gracious toward the conquerors1.

After some time, as soon as the first terror disappears, a new calm is established. In many families, the Prussian officer eats at the table. He is sometimes well bred and, through politeness, pities France, and speaks of his repugnance2 in taking part in this affair. One is grateful to him for this sentiment; then, one may be, some day or other, in need of his protection. By treat-ing him well, one has, perhaps, a less number of men to feed. And why should we wound anyone on whom we are entirely3 dependent? To act thus would be less bravery than temerity4. And temerity is no longer a fault of the commoner of Rouen, as it was at the time of the heroic defense5, when their city became famous. Final-ly, each told himself that the highest judgment6 of French urbanity required that they be allowed to be polite to the strange soldier in the house, provided they did not show themselves familiar with him in public. Outside they would not make themselves known to each other, but at home they could chat freely, and the German might remain longer each evening warming his feet at their hearthstones.

The town even took on, little by little, its ordinary aspect. The French scarcely went out, but the Prussian soldiers grumbled7 in the streets. In short, the officers of the Blue Hussars, who dragged with arrogance8 their great weapons of death up and down the pavement, seemed to have no more grievous scorn for the simple citizens than the officers or the sportsmen who, the year before, drank in the same cafes.

There was nevertheless, something in the air, something subtle and unknown, a strange, intolerable atmosphere like a penetrating9 odor, the odor of invasion. It filled the dwellings10 and the public places, changed the taste of the food, gave the impression of being on a journey, far away, among barbarous and dangerous tribes.

The conquerors exacted money, much money. The inhabitants always paid and they were rich enough to do it. But the richer a trading Norman becomes the more he suffers at every outlay11, at each part of his fortune that he sees pass from his hands into those of another.

Therefore, two or three leagues below the town, following the course of the river toward Croisset, Dieppedalle, or Biessart mariners12 and fishermen often picked up the swollen13 corpse14 of a German in uniform from the bottom of the river, killed by the blow of a knife, the head crushed with a stone, or perhaps thrown into the water by a push from the high bridge. The slime of the river bed buried these obscure vengeances, savage15, but legitimate16, unknown heroisms, mute attacks more perilous17 than the battles of broad day, and without the echoing sound of glory.

For hatred18 of the foreigner always arouses some intrepid19 ones, who are ready to die for an idea.

Finally, as soon as the invaders20 had brought the town quite under subjection with their inflexible21 discipline, without having been guilty of any of the horrors for which they were famous along their triumphal line of march, people began to take courage, and the need of trade put new heart into the commerce of the country. Some had large interests at Havre, which the French army occupied, and they wished to try and reach this port by going to Dieppe by land and there embarking22.

They used their influence with the German soldiers with whom they had an acquaintance, and finally, an authorization23 of departure was obtained from the General-in-chief.

Then, a large diligence, with four horses, having been engaged for this journey, and ten persons having engaged seats in it, it was resolved to set out on Tuesday morning before daylight, in order to escape observation.

For some time before, the frost had been hardening the earth and on Monday, toward three o'clock, great black clouds coming from the north brought the snow which fell without interruption ring the evening and all night.

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