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發布時間: 2025-01-25 07:12:55

A. 英語短篇小說

1、密西西比河上的馬戲團男孩 The Circus Boys On the M
簡介: 本書是1910-1920出版的一套兒童系列叢書中的一本,講述了兩個男孩離家加入馬戲團的故事。達靈頓先生用大師之筆,向我們描繪了馬戲團生活的真實畫面。...
2、Around the World in Seventy-Two Days
In 1888, Bly suggested to her editor at the New York World that she take a trip around the world, attempting to turn the fictional Around the World in Eighty Days into fact for the first time. A year later, at 9:40 a.m. on November 14, 1889...
3、The Aspern Papers
簡介: With a decaying Venetian villa as a backdrop, an anonymous narrator relates his obsessive quest for the personal documents of a deceased Romantic poet, one Jeffrey Aspern. Led by his mission into increasingly unscrupulous behavior, he is ul...
4、At the Back of the North Wind
There was once a little boy named Diamond and he slept in a low room over a coach house. In fact, his room was just a loft where they kept hay and straw and oats for the horses. Little Diamonds father was a coachman and he had named his boy..

B. 英語小說推薦


1、《世界的最後一晚》The Last Night of the Worldby 雷·布萊伯利Ray Bradbury

內容簡介:布萊伯利最有名的是他的《華氏451度》(Fahrenheit 451),這本書是有關焚書的反烏托邦(dystopian)故事。但書迷們對他的短篇小說應該也很熟悉,比如《紋身人》(The Illustrated Man)和《火星紀事》(The Martian Chronicles)。


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