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發布時間: 2024-12-18 04:57:25

Ⅰ 小說英語是什麼




adj. 新奇的;異常的

n. 小說

n. (Novel)人名;(法、西、英)諾韋爾






1、小說家novelist ; fictionist ; John Barth ; Fiction writer

2、中篇小說novella ; novelette ; nouvelle ; novelle

3、教育小說Bilngsroman ; Erziehungsroman ; the Novel of Ecation

4、輕小說light novel ; strike blood ; ACGN ; sf

5、犯罪小說crime fiction ; Crime Novel ; Romanzo Criminale ; crime story

Ⅱ 小說的英文怎麼寫

1. novel
2. fiction

Relative explainations:
<storybook> <story> <cloak-and-dagger> <longueur> <longeur> <villain>

1. 我喜歡讀科幻小說。
I like to read science fiction.
2. 這部小說看來是草草寫成的。
This novel appeared to have been huddled together.
3. 她認為看浪漫小說是虛度時光。
She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time.
4. 他的現實主義小說遭到了一些人的批判。
His realistic novel was criticized by some people.
5. 這部小說已由俄文原著改編成無線電廣播節目。
This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.
6. 她的第一部小說一問世,便使她一舉成名。
She won her overnight fame by her first novel.
7. 她的小說描寫的是倫敦現代的生活。
Her novel depicts life in modern London.
8. 他靠寫小說維生。
He earned his bread by writing novels.

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