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發布時間: 2024-11-17 13:12:08

1. 有什麼講驅魔這類的小說嗎

《緬因鬼鎮》"'Salem's Lot" novel 《致命游戲》"Gerald's Game" novel 《惡夢工廠(短篇集)》 "Nightmares & Dreamscapes" story collection 珠海出版社: 《死光(上、下兩冊)》"It" novel 《傑羅德游戲》"Gerald's Game" novel 《寵物公墓》"Pet Sematary" novel 《玫瑰瘋狂者》"Rose Madder" novel 《黑暗的另一半》"The Dark Half" novel 《神秘火焰》"Firestarter" novel 《死亡區域》"The Dead Zone" novel 《惡兆》"Cujo" novel 《驚鳥》"Dolores Claiborne" novel 《克里斯汀》"Christine" novel 《一號書迷》"Misery" novel 《世事無常(短片集)》"Everything's Eventual" story collection 《斯蒂芬·金傳》"On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" non-fiction 大眾文藝出版社: 《閃靈》"The Shining" novel 《撒冷鎮》"'Salem's Lot" novel 《末日逼近(上、下兩冊)》"The Stand (The Complete and Uncut Edition)" novel 上海譯文出版社: 《屍骨袋》"Bag of Bones" novel 《麗賽的故事》"Lisey's Story"novel 《手機》"Cell" novel 人民文學出版社: 《黑暗塔I:槍俠》"The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger" novel 《黑暗塔II:三張牌》"The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three" novel 《黑暗塔III:荒原》"The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands" novel 《肖申克的救贖(中篇集)》"Different Seasons" story collection 哈爾濱出版社: 《克蘇魯神話:恐怖人間〈耶路撒冷領地(短篇)〉》A Story in "Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos"

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